Crowdfunding News Roundup: October 28, 2013

Taylor English | Analysis of Crowdfunding Rules Relating to issuers

This week we expect many interests in the world of securities to publish their breakdowns of the proposed rules for equity crowdfunding in the United States. We’ll be collecting them throughout the week. Here, law firm Taylor English posts a breakdown of how the proposed rules stand to affect issuers.

social-mediaSocial Media Today | 6 Tips To A Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Social Media Today is an excellent resource for leaning about how to be a social media power user and, in a more general sense, how to communicate effectively online. In this piece, author Syed Noman Ali shares six tips for communicating with backers during a crowdfunding campaign.

Vator News | SEC crowdfunding and general solicitation are at odds

Here, author Bambi Francisco Roizen postulates that proposed rules regarding general solicitation for Section 4(a)(6) equity crowdfunding campaigns leave companies at risk of non-compliance. She says that “companies may shoot themselves in the foot.” She clarifies that the SEC is still asking for comment on these rules.

Image courtesy Americans for Tax ReformWisconsin State Journal | Inside Wisconsin: As crowdfunding takes off, will state rules help or hamper startups?

Here the Wisconsin State Journal takes a deeper dive into proposed legislation for an equity crowdfunding exemption in the state of Wisconsin. Specifically, the piece wonders aloud whether equity crowdfunding will see participation from “an entire class of investors who aren’t accustomed to the stark reality that many startups fail.”

moniker-guitarsForbes | What Nobody Tells You About Launching A Kickstarter Campaign

Here author Seth Porges shares six tips that crowdfunders may not realize when launching a campaign, and I must say that they’re pretty spot-on. He addresses issues like refunds, pitch videos and the amount of work that goes into a successful campaign.

TechCrunch | Moniker Guitars On Building A Business Through Kickstarter

Moniker Guitars successfully raised over $60,000 on Kickstarter in a pretail play for their new line of guitars. In this TechCrunch piece, the team shares how crowdfunding has been instrumental (it’s bad pun Monday) in launching their business.

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