AHPInvest.com Ruffles Feathers With Private Placement Advertisement

ahpinvest-adThe advertisement at the right was run by a Chicago-based company called American Homeowner Preservation (AHP). The crowdfunding site allows accredited investors to purchase shares of distressed mortgage pools.

The irony came when the ad at the right ran on Bankrate.com, a site that specializes in finding the best CD rates among other things. Of course, Bankrate took issue with the ad encouraging visitors not to invest in CDs.

These ‘Don’t Invest’ headlines certainly stand out and grab attention,” said AHP’s Founder Jorge Newbery. One outlet, after running the ad for almost a day, pulled the ad and advised that the message was objectionable. According to Newbery, the click-through rate for the “objectionable” ad was over 50% greater than a prior uncontroversial AHP ad.

The site is reworking their ad messaging in order to diffuse any problems in the future.

See the full release here.

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