On Indiegogo: “RaceDots” Hits $30,000 Goal In Less Than A Week, Threatens For Top Spot In Sports Category

Jason Berry makes films to pay the bills, but in his free time he enjoys running and cycling. His experience in that space may spur him to the creation of a company aimed at solving a major (and common) ill in sports.

Safety pins are usually used to affix identification numbers to participants in races and events. Due to the nature of these events, runners and cyclists also often use their best gear. Berry wondered why there wasn’t a better way to secure numbers to gear, so he set out to create that better way.


What he developed were RaceDots. RaceDots are rare earth magnets that lock together with one going over the number and one going under the racer’s clothing. In this way he provides a means of attaching identification numbers without having to poke holes in your clothes.

“I’m thankful I can run in my favorite GoreTex™ jacket and not worry about holes from safety pins!”Jackie, Product Testing, Arlington Turkey Trot

The crowd has spoken and they like where Berry is headed. 1,300 funders have backed his campaign currently running on Indiegogo to the tune of over $50,000 in total funding. The campaign has 18 days to go at the time of writing.

The campaign exceeded a $30,000 funding goal in just six days. Three backers have ponied up $1,000 a piece to secure twenty 10-packs of RaceDots with custom logos as well.

The campaign page does a great job of showing the development process behind the RaceDots product. It even shares a history of the design of the product and a bit of information regarding how Berry came to the current design.

The campaign is already the fourth most-funded Indiegogo campaign ever in the sports category, so with over two weeks to go Berry could threaten to wrestle the top spot from the Coast Gravity Park Campaign, which raised over $94,000 CAD for a dedicated mountain biking park in British Columbia.

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