Abundance Generation: UK Investors Seek Opportunity In Renewable Energy

solarAbundance Generation’s Conor Bishop took to the company blog to share details of a recent survey enacted by Abundance Generation and market research firm One Poll.

According to the poll, the following five categories of investment represented areas that UK investors were most interested…

  1. Property – (43%)
  2. Renewable energy – (33%)
  3. Traditional energy (oil, coal, gas) – (23%)
  4. Manufacturing – (19%)
  5. Consumer goods – (15%)

Abundance Generation CrowdBruce Davis, co-founder of Abundance Generation, said, “These results are really quite ground breaking. We’re now not only seeing majority public support for renewable energy, but people actively wanting to put their money in it too. Britain is a nation in love with property, so it’s no wonder this is at number one, but to see renewables favoured above old energy is a great vote of confidence in the sector.”

Renewables were the number one choice of those aged 18-24, which represents a huge opportunity for platforms like Abundance looking to serve the investor of the future. (Or, for some, the present)


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