Prosper Becomes Latest Billion-Dollar Platform, Underscores Peer Lending Dominance

  • Prosper$1 billion in loans
  • 3,000% growth in eight years
  • 118,000 personal loans issued
  • Over 75,000 investors
  • Over 93,000 borrowers
  • 47 states

Its been a long road since the first loan in 2006. Since then the $1 billion dollars issued through Prosper went towards helping people fix their debts, pay medical bills, chase their dreams, and much more. The greatest thing about it? That $1 billion came from people who truly wanted to help others’ financial situations, while simultaneously helping themselves.

A pretty incredible accomplishment and announcement for Prosper. Is there still growth to be had in peer lending? I’d say there is, and I think Prosper agrees…

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