OurCrowd Presentation: Valuation & Investing in Startups (Deck)

OurCrowdRecently I had the opportunity to sit in on a presentation given by equity crowdfunding platform OurCrowd.  This investment portal is one of the largest in the space having facilitated over$43 million in 36 startups since their start “way back” in February 2013.  While nominally based in Israel, the platform has truly taken a global approach – foreshadowing the future of investing in early stage companies.

Zack Miller OurcrowdThis recent presentation entitled “Cashing In: How to Make Money Investing in Startups” was hosted by Zack Miller and David Stark both from OurCrowd.  The pair did an excellent job of discussing different valuation perspectives – including the voodoo known as VC math – and sharing their insight into the investment crowdfunding process.

David StarkFor anyone who has not been down this path before, either as an investor or entrepreneur, the information is highly informational.  As equity crowdfunding becomes more commonplace, and it certainly will, knowledge will be paramount to making valued investing decisions and mitigating risk.

We all know that investing in startups is risky business, but the potential rewards are reflected in the risk profile.  Having a portfolio approach is a must- but then first of all you need to dive in and start investing in this relatively new style of investment.   OurCrowd is a platform for accredited only investors – but who knows – if the SEC gets Title III right (low probability) maybe they will start offering up opportunities to the non-accredited crowd.

OurCrowd schedules regular educational presentation – if you are interested you may sign up to sit in on their site for forthcoming events.

See the presentation embedded below:

[slideshare id=34658572&doc=cashingin-howtomakemoneyinvestinginstartups-140514021029-phpapp01]

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