ECFA Canada Is Set To Host Ottawa Leg Of 2014 Equity Crowdfunding Conference Tour

ECFA ConferenceThe Equity Crowdfunding Alliance of Canada (ECFA Canada), created to raise awareness of equity crowdfunding, will host the Ottawa leg of its 2014 Canadian Equity Crowdfunding Conference Tour on June 3, 2014. Parallel events have already taken place in Calgary (May 27), Vancouver (May 29), and with Montreal forthcoming (June 10).

The event will feature experts in the venture capital, business angel, broker/dealer, securities law, accounting/audit and equity crowdfunding fields. Participants will be able to ask detailed questions and express their points of view during this one-day event. Special sessions will chart out how to manage a successful equity crowdfunding campaign. Ample opportunity will also be provided for networking and fostering new business relationships.

Oscar A. JofreNoted expert and co-chair of ECFA Canada Oscar A. Jofre noted,

“ECFA Canada has grown remarkably since its founding just a few months ago. We represent all equity crowdfunding portal in Canada, and a significant number of investors, VCs, issuers, and third party professional advisors. Our working committees are helping evolve equity crowdfunding in Canada though representations to regulatory bodies and educational efforts including our current cross country tour (#ecfa2014). The Toronto leg of the tour sold our and highly rated by those in attendance. I’m personally very excited to bring this event to our nation’s capital.”

Conference chair C. Paul Slaby stated,

“We are pleased to bring the 2014 Equity Crowdfunding Conference Canada Tour to Ottawa. The event will enable participates to delve into the details of the Ontario model and explore ways to create and participate in equity crowdfunding opportunities here in our community and beyond.”

Featured speakers and panelists will include Sandi Gilbert, Founder – SeedUps Canada, Oscar Jofre, CEO – Boardsuite, Brian Koscak – Partner Cassels Brock and C. Paul Slaby, Conference Chair.

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