Exciting news for Consumer Physics’ SCiO fans! Its crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter raised $2,762,571 from 12,958 backers. Last week the company announced that it had reached $2.1 million and is now considered in the top 25 most funded campaigns ever on Kickstarter.
Consumer Physics, an OurCrowd portfolio company, is preparing to deliver the world’s “first affordable molecular sensor,” using a handheld spectrometer that instantaneously generates relevant information on the chemical make up of anything you point scan with the device.
While speaking about the project, CTO of Consumer Physics Damian Goldring stated, “We talked about this scanner and I was sure it had already been developed. Usually if [I] have an idea, I can assume somebody else already had it. I thought I will just go on Amazon and find one for $50. But there was nothing there. [Four] years later, I am sitting here holding the produce that we developed.”
According to its campaign website, SCiO is known as “the world’s first affordable molecular sensor that fits in the palm of your hand.” It is a tiny spectrometer and allows you to get instant relevant information about the chemical make-up of just about anything around you, sent directly to your smartphone. The SCiO Mobile App allows you to choose a specific SCiO application from the available options. Once you choose the app you need, you are ready to scan.
TechCrunch also noted that along with the scanner itself, SCiO is offering a platform for developers who would be able to build custom applications using its technology. For example, suggests the Consumer Physics website, developers could teach the SCiO to monitor the various stages of the brewing process for those who make their own craft beers, or they could teach it to identify various plastics to help with recycling.
The company envisions a future where the scanner could be used to measure the properties of a range of items, including things like cosmetics, clothes, flora, soil, jewels and precious stones, leather, rubber, oils, plastics, and more.
Delivery for superstar backers of the campaign starts in October. The rest of us will have to wait until December 2014.
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