Renewable Energy Crowdfunding Conference Scheduled for October

Speakers Renewable Energy Crowdfunding Conference

With sites like Abundance and Mosaic (among others) pushing the envelope on financing renewable energy, it was inevitable that someone would come along and realize there is a growing movement of innovation coupling crowdfunding and renewables.

renewable energy crowdfunding conferenceSolarplaza has recently announced they are organizing a conference in London this coming October seeking to bring together the hundreds of renewable energy market players along with platforms like Trillion Fund and Windcentrale.  Solarplaza, a global private company based in Rotterdam, has organized 60 events in 20 different countries in recent years.

Edwin KootFounded in 2004 by Edwin Koot, a senior PV expert working in photovoltaic solar, Solarplaza not only organizes international high-level conferences but also arranges exploratory trade missions in both established and emerging markets across the globe.

The Renewable Energy Crowdfunding Conference already has an impressive list of speakers including:

  • Bruce David – Abundance
  • Gregory Rosen – Mosaic
  • Oliver Gajda – European Crowdfunding Network
  • Julia Groves – Trillion Fund and UKCFA
  • Harm Reitsma – Windcentrale
  • and more..

First Day of 2014 Solar Energy SunPlatforms like Mosaic have trailblazed a path proving that renewable energy can be an efficient allocation of resources and generate a return on investment.

With growing global interest in shifting away from fossil fuels, and the recognition that solar and wind can be  cost effective, this gathering couldn’t be more timely.

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