Growth Capital Ventures Preps For £150,000 Campaign On Its Own Crowdfunding Platform GrowthFunders

North East UK company Growth Capital Ventures announced the upcoming launch of its crowdfunding campaign on its own platform GrowthFunders to raise £150,000 to continue to build and introduce new features on its already existing website.

Growth Capital VenturesGrowth Capital Ventures launched the equity crowdfunding and co-investment marketplace earlier this year and within the short period of time, the platform has 90 businesses who are looking to raise in excess of £20m over the course of the next 18 months.

Chief Operating Officer at Growth Capital Ventures, Craig Peterson, stated, “The growth of financial technology – or FinTech as it’s known – has been huge in the last year and it is growing faster in the UK than in any other market in the world. Advances in technology mean that new and disruptive businesses are now entering the financial services marketplace with something worthwhile to offer: innovative streamlined and cost-effective solutions that are changing the faces of the funding and investment marketplace.”

norman-petersonCEO of Growth Capital Ventures, Norman Peterson, added, “Increasingly, we’re seeing the importance of the role that alternative finance is playing in helping businesses across the money they need in order to grow, which impacts not only on themselves, but the economy as a whole. In fact, over the course of the past decade, the UK alternative finance market has more than tripled in size from £309m in 2011 to £939m in 2013.”

“The sector also boasts delivery of an accumulated £1.74bn in funding for growing SMEs the last three years. Alternative finance and the FinTech sector are proving businesses and investors with better value; a better way to raise capital and a better way to make direct, tax-efficient investments.”

craig-petersonLaunched by North East and Yorkshire-based entrepreneurs, Craig and Norman Peterson, GrowthFunders has a wealth of experience behind it. Both Craig and Norman are approved persons with the Financial Conduct Authority and have supported entrepreneurs raising capital, acting as mentors and providing strategic advice to a range of businesses.

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