Brief: LumeJet Overfunding on CrowdBnk

LumeJet 1LumeJet, a new commercial printing technology, has shifted into overfunding after surpassing its initial £1.47 million equity crowdfunding goal on CrowdBnk.  The campaign is scheduled to close on December 15th so it has ample time to garner additional investors.  The minimum investment in the young company is £5000.  The investment information on CrowdBnk states the funding round may be extended up to £2 million.  LumeJet launched its crowdfunding campaign on 18th October 2014 targeting a raise of £1,471,158 on CrowdBnk in 90 days. Investment in LumeJet is eligible for EIS tax relief.  The additional capital will be used to grow the small company.  LumeJet also states it is “already building partnerships and relationships with potential acquirers”.

LumeJet-v-InkjetLumeJet has developed and brought to market a new approach in “light-based, inkless, digital printing” which, according to the company, has the highest print quality available in the market. This “photonic technology” has been developed by the company’s founder and Chief Innovation Officer, Dr Trevor Elworthy.  LumeJet is developing technologies, in addition to its award-winning commercial printer – the LumeJet S200 – that is already available, for its own products and for third party solutions through its photonic print head sale and licensing programmes. Behind the innovative technology and product development is an extremely strong management team with extensive commercial experience and an excellent track record in the printing sector.


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