Aqualibrium Announces Official Product Launch After Kickstarter Success

The Aqualibrium Garden 3

The Aqualibrium Garden is poised to enter the marketplace after raising over $153,000 in one of Kickstarter’s top 10 most successful food projects to date. This one-of-a-kind aquaponics system is bringing fresh, organic gardening into homes and promotes sustainable food production even in the smallest of New York apartments.

The Aqualibrium Garden 4According to its campaign website, the Aqualibrium Garden can be used as an aquaponic or a hydroponic system. An aquaponic system is one where fish supply the nutrients that fertilize the grow bed. In a hydroponic system, fish are not required and all that is needed is the placement of nutrients into the water tank.

 The Aqualibrium Garden is modular, sturdy and very stylish.  You will have the option of leaving the lower chamber fish tank open (as shown in the above drawing)… or closed by using the four removable clear doors included with each garden.  This is a great option for homes with pets and small children.

“Aquaponics is a beautiful system that lets you grow fish, and plants, in a symbiotic relationship where the fish take care of the plants and the plants take care of the fish and the human gets to enjoy the benefits,” says co-founder, Ben-Yam Barshi. The tight-knit Aqualibrium team including fellow founders Joshua Rittenberg and Jared Kasner, has taken the dream of in-home aquaponic gardening and made it a reality in the Aqualibrium Garden.

The Garden is on sale on the Aqualibrium website for $399.00 and is composed of four identical stacking units. It arrives pre-assembled. Fish inhabit the bottom tank, producing waste that is then cycled up by a closed-loop system into the unit above to water and fertilize plants.

The Aqualibrium Garden 2“When designing the Garden, we wanted to create not only a sustainable source of fresh food right in the home, but one that is as beautiful as it is functional,” says Kasner. The Jacque Fresco inspired design features built in lights and large grow beds creating a fully-contained ecosystem, ideal for city dwellers and suburbanites alike looking for a sustainable, affordable source of fresh produce. “It’s as local as it gets,” says Rittenberg. “It’s sitting in your living room.”

Aqualibrium’s mission is to deliver a perpetual source of natural food for all people; one home, one Garden at a time.

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