Search in MENA Finds AngelList Success: Next Alibaba of the Middle East Seeks $400K

search in menaHoping to be the next Alibaba of Middle East, the B2B marketplace Search in MENA helps SMEs create both new channels to attract clients online and build a vast network of product and service providers for Arab Enterprises in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region.  Publicly fundraising on AngelList, Search in seeks to become the number one trade and directory portal for the MENA region connecting buyers, sellers and facilitating the exchange of goods and services.  Led by CEO Salim Akil, the platform is pre-valued at $1.94M and has already invested $130,000 to build its platform, proof of concept, clients, and database.  Search in MENA, a Silicon Oasis Founders Company, secured $140,000 on Eureeca last year.

Sam QuawasmiSam Quawasmi, managing director and co-founder of, said: “Search in MENA is an online business offering advertising services and support with Arab e-content generation. The portal has more than 14,000 companies listed in its B2B directory and receives over 1,500 visits daily. Search in MENA aims to enlist 250,000 companies in its B2B directory by 2016 and a total of 550,000 companies by 2018.”

With more than 20,000 sellers and 7,000 buyers on the website, partnerships with Google ( which offers free Adwords to sellers), CEO Club and Chambers of Trade, the platform shared that it has already met with in Dec 2013 to discuss its potential acquisition company after 200,0000 companies sign.

Using funding from its AngelList campaign, Search in MENA plans to achieve the following milestones within the next two years:

  • list 200,000 companies
  • add 2,000 clients
  • open a Saudi Arabian Office
  • 40 employees
  • 20,000 daily visits
  • $1M profits in 2016


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