CNBC & Crowdnetic Reveal New Index For Tracking Equity Crowdfunding

Wired recently reported that CNBC and Crowdnetic are teaming up to release a new crowdfinance index that aims to give the investing public an insight of how the market is evolving.

Steve LewisVice president and senior executive product at CNBC, Steve Lewis stated, “This is a seas change, and it reaches from Main Street where people are building business and the barriers are coming down to fund them, all the way to Wall Street, where there are mature investors looking at these platforms to find out what the next big thing is.”

Crowdnetic has been tracking all of the fundraising from 16 leading portals, including Angelist and Crowdfunder, since September 2013. The portals publish data to Crowdnetic, anonymized, and in real-time include valuable investor commitment information.

“We see what’s being invested in, what kinds of companies those are, and the geographic locations they’re in,” Founder and CEO of Crowdnetic, Luan Cox explained. She shared that there are over 8 million accredited investors, but less that 3 percent have invested in a private deal.

Luan CoxCrowdnetic has also tracked over 5,000 companies that have come online to raise money, and at any given point in time, there are 3,500 active companies on the portals Crowdnetic tracks and publishes data.

The media outlet also revealed that there’s potential to draw enormously important information from the index. Cox noted the information could be one way for companies to make themselves to the public even before they’ve committed to venture capitalist. “Companies are coming online onto these platforms without needing permission from VC.”

Cox revealed that, thanks to the data, Crowdnetic anticipated the rise of wearable thanks to their information. “We were able to add that as a sector in our technology index, then all of a sudden we had something like 300 wearable companies on the platform.”

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