Conference on Alternative Finance Takes Place in DC this Week

Crowdfunding USA Event Speakers



A gathering to discuss the future of alternative finance is scheduled for later this week.  The event will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, with multiple well known industry participants scheduled to address the hot topics in finance today.

Dr. Richard Swart, Director of the the Entrepreneurial and Social Finance program at UC Berkeley, will be addressing participants – sharing his perspective on the evolving financial landscape.

“As the SEC issues Title IV rules and Congress prepares to act on TItle III – and FinTech companies are skyrocketing in value, it is time for industry leaders to convene and discuss how these changes will affect Small Business Finance and open doors to innovation.  This first of its kind event is an exceptional convening of leaders and promises to be meaningful and impactful session.”

Organized by CrowdfundBeat Media, the event is designed to have limited participation to engender a highly active discourse and maximum engagement. Topics set to be discussed include: bitcoin, crowdfunding, peer to peer lending, real estate and other aspects of the sunlight finance industry.

“I am looking forward to attending the Crowdfunding USA Forum. These are exciting times, with Regulation A+ being adopted on March 25 and new legislation for JOBS Act Title III crowdfunding around the corner,” said CFPA President, and Crowdfund Insider Senior Contributor Sam Guzik.

Additional  speakers include;  ​Doug Ellenoff , Mark Roderick, Sara Hanks , Kim Kaselionis, Kim Wales, DJ Paul, Brian Korn and more.  The Future of Alternative Finance will be held on May 7th and 8th.

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