Advertising Company Hoovy Seeks $50,000 For New Drone The Advatar on Indiegogo

Advatar 3

Hoovy, a drone advertising company, has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to raise $50,000 for its new device, the Advatar, a new type of drone aimed for advertising.

Advatar 2The Advatar is described as a wind resistant, GPS equipped octocopter that can fly banners in any location. Hoovy has spent countless hours perfecting the drone. The eight-engine Advatar allows users to carry the largest banners possible and stay in the sky longer so you can get the most out of your flying experience. The advertising banner can be seen up to 1,000 feet away and it always keeps the audience engaged.

The Advatar is equipped with the latest technologies and is designed specifically for the job to make advertising fun and engaging. The drones that are currently in the market are designed to fly a camera only — none of them are designed to fly a banner. 

Some of the safety tests completed, passed and submitted to FAA include:

  • Drag Force of banner supported by multirotor
  • Sufficiency of maximum thrust to the multirotor

Eugene Stark 1Eugene Stark, CEO of Hoovy, stated:

“We have spent countless hours perfecting the Advatar. We get people to look at ads — by being fun and engaging. Te Advatar always seems to gather a large crowd who take pictures of the advertisement, ask questions, and who are very fascinated by the concept.”

The company also shared:

“All the drones that are currently on the market are built for taking pictures and videos. There’s nothing on the market specifically for advertising -we’re the first and only company to do this. You simply won’t be able to have the same advertising effectiveness with any other drone in the industry. The alternative drones cannot lift the banner as big as ours or stay in the air for as long as us.  Drones catch the eye of the consumer but our Advatars’ steadiness and durability makes the advertisement the main focus.”

The Advatar’s crowdfunding campaign is set to close on July 1st.


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