On Monday, CrowdRise launched the latest installment of its 24-Hour Impact Project by sending 22-year-old, Malu Veltze, to Cambodia to raise $20,000 in 24-hours to help students get eye care at a school serving 12 villages in Koh Bei Riel near Siem Reap, Cambodia. Once the money is raised, Malu will spend the next 24 hours working to get eye exams and glasses to 1,400 children and their families. Malu will film the entire process so donors can see the real-time impact of their donations.
The campaign was inspired by Channa, a girl whose poor eyesight went untreated leaving her almost blind in her right eye. Channa’s problems could have been prevented with a simple pair of glasses, costing around $40, but she couldn’t afford it.
Channa is a former student at the Self Help Community Centre (SHCC), a registered Non Government Organization (NGO) that provides education to disadvantaged children and young adults in the area. There is an enormous lack of eye care in the community and as a result, many of the students suffer from debilitating vision impairment. When Malu was introduced to the students at the school, it became clear that the campaign needed to include the entire community.
Robert Wolfe, CrowdRise co-founder and CEO, explained:
“We launched the CrowdRise 24-Hour Impact Project to inspire the CrowdRise community to drive real-time change and show the impact of their work. Malu’s drive to help people is an exact reflection of our larger vision and we’re so psyched to have the opportunity to change so many kids’ lives.”
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