Crowdfunding Centre States Innovation Has Exploded Worldwide (Infographic)

UK’s Crowdfunding Centre is queuing up a new report called 2016: The State of the Crowdfunding Nation. This report is said to reveal data from the Centre’s research of more than 300,000 campaigns across all major global platforms in the past two years.

Barry James Head ShotAccording to the forthcoming document, rewards crowdfunding is providing something beyond smart money, seed funding entrepreneurs innovative ventures. Co-founder and CEO of the Crowdfunding Centre, Barry James, stated:

“Crowdfunding has unleashed innovation by funding innovators and entrepreneurs. It really is that simple. Where once innovation was centralized within a lab or department of a large corporate is now massively distributed, leveraging the creativity of millions of citizens entrepreneurs and innovators who would never previously have the opportunity to shine – and create the products and services people actually need and want.”

money global internationalIt was also revealed that while the arts are first in line, music, film and arts categories boast the most funded projects, tech is not far behind and takes the crown for the most cash raised with an average of more than $100,000 per project funded –  a very respectable seed round and more importantly a crucial first step on the capital ladder combined with direct exposure to a market that says “yes” and consequent revenues. Leveraging crowdfunding may transform the prospect of the entrepreneurial team behind the campaign, making then investable.

Tim Wright, Director Twintangibles, stated that analytics and data are aiding in the growth of the new form of finance.

Tim Wright“Its [crowdfunding] continued growth in scale and importance is evidence of a revolutionary change to entrepreneurship developing through the crowdeconomy, rooted in the the insight of Joy’s Law that ‘not all of the smart people work for you.’ So crowdfunding offers funding with so much additional value that it is not so much ‘smart’ money as ‘genius.’”

Rose Spinelli, the founder of The Crowdfundamentals, said there were “several surprises” uncovered by the report.

Ruth HedgesRuth E Hedges, creator of the Global Crowdfunding Convention, said she was excited by the “huge progress” established in such a short amount of time;

“Some day it will be in our DNA and a natural process to look for and fund the projects, businesses and causes that we care about and to use crowdfunding to help expand the best of our humanity.”

Barry went on to add that we should expect more “stunning results” to come.

“We will shortly release in-depth analysis of two full years and eight quarters of crowdfunding over 300,000 campaign, from all the major global platforms, documenting the progress in State of the Crowdfunding Nation over the last two years. This brings to light new and deeper insights into how crowdfunding works locally and globally. Including new insights into the ways in which women entrepreneurs are very significantly better suited to both crowdfunding and entrepreneurship in the 21st century than men.”

See Infographic below.

The Crowdfunding Centre

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