Brief: Indiegogo Success Jibo Teams Up With BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe

On Wednesday, Indiegogo alum, Jibo, Inc. announced that it has formed a partnership with BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe to create a new family experience on the robot’s platform. BANDAI is known for its work on PAC-MAN. 

Jibo 2David Aubert, MIS director and project leader of BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe S.A.S, stated:

“Jibo will bring content to life and offer a personalized, human experience and we believe it offers a glimpse into the future of home entertainment. We aim to stay on the leading edge of platforms that engage and delight consumers. Together with Jibo we can evolve the gaming experience and bring a new level of interaction to our classic games that are beloved by generations.”

Steve Chambers, CEO of Jibo, Inc., added:

Steve Chambers“Our partnership with BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe S.A.S. shows the promise of Jibo providing an interactivity, and personalization, like no other platform can. We’re thrilled to be collaborating with the innovators that made PAC-MAN a household name to herald a new era of rich, interactive gaming only possible with social robotics.”

Jibo noted that first interactive game on its entertainment platform will be a reincarnation of BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment’s PAC-MAN, known as Rescue PAC-MAN! The company added that this game will bring together family members in an interactive battle of wits to free PAC-MAN from the throes of evil ghosts, by way of activating Jibo.


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