Crowdrise Launches 24-Hour Flash Fundraiser: Seeks to Help 1,200 Displaced Syrian Refugees in Greece


On Tuesday morning, crowdfunding platform Crowdrise announced the launch of a new 24-hour flash fundraiser. This new raise is seeking funds for 1,200 displaced Syrian refugees that are currently in Greece. TV personality, former pro soccer player, and two-time cancer survivor Ethan Zohn and his new wife Lisa Heywood Zohn are spending their honeymoon volunteering in Greece during this rough time. 

crowdrise-4The funding portal revealed that this past June, the Syrian refugees near Thessaloniki, Greece were moved between refugee camps to Vasilika Refugee Camp. Of the 1,200 refugees, 600 are children, who have been out of school for months, some for years. The camp at Vasilika provides them no opportunity for learning, playing or socializing. 

Next to Vasilika, a group of European volunteers recognized the needs of this community, and have created a safe haven called EKO Project which provides a school, communal kitchen, and welcoming place for children to play. This project is a place of hope to refugee children and their parents who are trying to rebuild their lives. Today, Ethan and Lisa, in partnership with CrowdRise are attempting to crowdfund $20,000 in just 24 hours to help.

crowdrise-1Ethan and Lisa shared details on the CrowdRise page about the situation and how many of the children living in the refugee camp. One young girl told Lisa why her family had to leave Syria, “There was a bomb…it broke my house.” Another young boy stated, “Syria not good. Syria very bad.” Ethan noted, “They were forced out of their homes and out of their country with nothing, and they come here and they’re just waiting.” Yet when that same little boy is asked if he wants to go back to Syria he answered, “I do not. I don’t like.”

The $20,000 raised will help EKO Project with school supplies, winter clothing, fresh food, building materials, setting up a library, relocation support, and fulfilling a “wish list” of basic needs.

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