BrightPensioen, a company that provides retirement investment plans, recently launched its second equity crowdfunding campaign on Symbid and has already surpassed its initial €100,000 funding target. The company’s first campaign was reportedly the largest funding round on the crowdfunding platform at the time.
BrightPensioen’s services are geared towards people who must arrange their own retirement, such as freelancers. The company revealed that each investment will be put into a “Bright LifeCycle Fund” and the investments will transition from a neutral to a defensive fund in ten years. Those who sign up for the service will be able to see where their investment is going and choose their retirement date through the BrightPensioen portal. It collects and invests once a month. The company noted:
“Each participant has an individual pension account in which they accrue pension in a completely flexible way. The power is collectively invested in a 100% sustainable lifecycle fund. These participants – through a cooperative – co-owner of Bright pension. In this way they have a say and they share in the profits.”
The company also stated that it offers a fixed-fee business model and pParticipants pay a fixed amount per year for a membership, which the company claims makes the earnings are predictable and scalable business model. BrightPensioen also noted that its current valuation is €1.5 million, of which investor Allianz has pledged €500,000. The new campaign is set to close at the end of November.
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