YouCaring Update: Two Campaigns Dedicated to Ghost Ship Fire Victims Raise Over $1.3M

Just a couple of weeks after the devastating fire at Oakland’s Ghost Ship warehouse that claimed the lives of nearly 40 people, two campaigns on crowdfunding platform YouCaring that are dedicated to the victims of the events have raised more than $1.3 million.

ghostship-fireAs previously reported, on the evening of December 2nd, the infamous fire broke out in the warehouse during a concert. This became the deadliest fire in Oakland’s history and was reportedly the deadliest building fire in the U.S. since the Station Nightclub fire in 2003. Gray Area Foundation Arts, which has so far raised $750,000 out of its $850,000 Fire Relief Fund for Victims of Ghostship Oakland Fire campaign target, has helped pay for medical bills for survivors or a small memorial service for victims.

The Oakland Relief Fund, which was created by Major League Baseball’s Oakland Athletics, is nearing its $550,000 target. The Oakland Raiders and Golden State Warriors have reportedly matched up to $50,000 each for a total of $150,000 while. Sutter Health pledged $75,000 in support. Kaiser Permanente has also contributed $50,000 to the fund.

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