Finnest Lists Offer to Invest in Market Leading Green Energy Firm Polytechnik

Described as the next milestone for the alternative finance platform, Finnest, an SME online debt-based crowdfunding platform, has been selected by Polytechnic Luft- und Feuerungstechnik GmbH to provide growth funding.

Investors may now invest in an internationally leading biomass, green energy firm;

“We are very proud to have embraced such a renowned and globally recognized company for Finnest, which is a new dimension for online SME finance,” says Finnest co-founder Günther Lindenlaub. “Where else would investors invest in an established medium-sized company of this size with such a strong market position, and at the same time to promote an alternative form of energy?”

Polytechnik is described as one of the world’s leading suppliers of biomass combustion plants with particular expertise in the planning and delivery of turnkey plants. Founded more than 50 years ago, the company from Weissenbach near Vienna has decades of experience in the production and implementation of high-quality biomass combustion plants. Thanks to its technological advantage as well as its dense, international network, the family business from Lower Austria has now become a global market and technology leader.

“With biomass, we rely on eternally renewable and natural fuel in solar energy storage,” explains Lukas Schirnhofer, Managing Director of Polytechnik.

The financing via Finnest will serve the further expansion of Polytechnics, especially in Asian growth markets.

“Alternative energy on the one hand and alternative financing on the other – we liked this idea from the start,” adds Schirnhofer.

The investment in polytechnics starts with a minimum investment of €1,000, the duration is five years. Interested investors can set their annual interest rate between 2.5 and 6.5%. Polytechnic chooses the most attractive offers.

Joerg Bartussek, co-f0under of Finnest, calles Polytechnic a true heavyweight in the industry;

“With biomass energy, the company is focusing on the future trend of alternative energies. Polytechnic has already built 3,000 plants all over the world, the company has been around for more than half a century, making annual sales in the high double-digit million-euro range. And in spite of its size, Polytechnics is not an anonymous, artificial large-scale company, but a carefully managed family-run enterprise over decades, “says Bartussek.

Lindenlaub says the credit rating of Polytechnic is very good with strong revenue expectations.

“Their strong position on the world market turns polytechnics into one of the most interesting investments that private investors currently may access in the entire German-speaking world, “explains Lindenlaub.


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