On Thursday, crowdfunding platform YouCaring announced the release of its first State of Compassion report, which analyzes geographic and demographic trends in U.S. crowdfunding. The funding portal revealed that the report is based on the rigorous analysis of aggregated and anonymized data from nearly 350,000 of its active campaign profiles and provides a unique snapshot into a society’s generosity and its struggles.
According to YouCaring, the report now only shows a range and depth of American compassion, it also highlights the increasing social, economic, and environmental challenges that are currently happening. The report revealed that most fundraisers are launched by people in need or by those close to someone in need, yet many others address larger issues such as social or environmental causes. Speaking about the latest trends, gender reassignments, and social justice fundraisers, YouCaring shared:
“In a year in which issues of gender, race, immigration, social justice, and the environment stand at the forefront of the national conversation, YouCaring crowdfunding campaigns reflected these topical issues. The number of campaigns addressing gender reassignment increased by 78 percent year over year, while fertility treatments increased by 36.5 percent and social justice causes by 34 percent. Strikingly, the number of fundraisers with “immigration” as a key topic increased by 117 percent in the last year, and those with “climate change” by 112 percent, though both represent a relatively small proportion of all YouCaring fundraisers. Overall, campaigns that raise money to cover medical expenses make up the largest and fastest-growing category of fundraisers on YouCaring. Within this category, the number of fundraisers aiming to help those fighting cancer grew the fastest, 67 percent year over year.”
YouCaring also announced most compassionate cities and states, which included The District of Columbia, Colorado, Massachusetts, Washington, California, and New York (these were also on YouCaring’s quarterly 10 most generous list of states. In regards to gender giving gaps, YouCaring added:
“According to YouCaring’s data for 2017, women are on average two times more likely to donate money online than men, with younger generations displaying a smaller gap between genders. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that when they do donate online, men tend to give larger sums than women. The smallest giving disparity between genders was for those 18–24, with one male for every four female donors, and the largest disparity is for those aged 55 and older, one male for every seven female donors. On a state-by-state basis, the smallest giving disparity between men and women was in New York state, with one male likely to donate money on YouCaring for every three females. The largest difference was found in South Carolina, where only one male donated for every 32 females.”
See the full report below.
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