LabCFTC, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) Fintech initiative, is requesting public input to gather ideas and topics for innovation competitions to advance the agency’s Fintech goals.
“We launched the LabCFTC initiative to stimulate and promote market-enhancing Fintech solutions,” said CFTC Chairman J. Christopher Giancarlo. “By soliciting feedback from innovators on how the CFTC can best encourage innovation and leverage Fintech and Regtech solutions for the marketplace, we are not only fulfilling the mission of this initiative, we are moving the CFTC closer to my ultimate goal of making the agency a 21st Century regulator.”
LabCFTC Director Daniel Gorfine the competition may crowdsource Regtech topics to pursue;
“Our ultimate goal is to focus the energy of America’s innovators on ways to improve our agency and our markets so that we can keep pace with a rapidly digitizing world.”
The Request for Input (RFI), to be published in the Federal Register, is LabCFTC’s effort to gather feedback on how innovation competitions can stimulate innovation and make the CFTC more effective and efficient in satisfying its mission to foster open, transparent, competitive, and financially sound markets.
The CFTC is soliciting public feedback on:
- focus areas for potential innovation competitions
- how competitions could best be structured and administered to maximize their impact. While the RFI raises the possibility of competitions focused on data visualization tools, machine-readable regulatory rulebooks, and “smart” notice and comment systems, it seeks to crowdsource what may be the most promising topics directly from the innovator community.
More information on innovation competitions may be found at