Kaleido Partners Launches New Blockchain Marketplace

Kaleido, a ConsenSys company, in collaboration with Amazon Web Services, is now launching a new blockchain marketplace. According to Kaleido, the Kaleido Marketplace extends its Blockchain Business Cloud to become what it claims to be the first full-stack enterprise platform. The new marketplace includes trusted tools and services from Kaleido, AWS, and members of the new partnership program, all offered as plug-and-play.

Founded in 2017, Kaleido describes itself as an all-in-one enterprise SaaS platform that radically simplifies deployment and operation of secure private chains. The platform is reportedly designed to accelerate the consortium’s entire journey from experimentation and PoCs to pilots and production.

“Kaleido currently offers choice between Ethereum protocol packages Geth and Quorum, and among consensus algorithms such as RAFT, IBFT, and POA. Enhance your private chain with public blockchain level security via an integrated state relay to the Ethereum mainnet or testnets for transaction anchoring.”

Kaleido also reported that since its launch in May it has helped organizations create over 1,000 blockchain networks with its Blockchain Business Cloud. Kaleido Founder and COO, Sophia Lopez, stated:

“We’ve seen successful patterns of deployment as enterprise networks go into production and we’ve baked these best practices into the Kaleido Marketplace services, to help radically simplify the adoption of blockchain and eliminate some of the specialized blockchain expertise needed.”

Kaleido Founder and CEO, Steve Cerveny, went on to add:

“The reality is only about 10 percent of an enterprise blockchain project is the blockchain itself. There are many other application, data and infrastructure components required to go into production. I’m very excited that we have a whole cloud of blockchain technologies pre-integrated for our clients to use. The Kaleido Marketplace is a one stop shop for all things enterprise blockchain.”

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