Child Porn Permanently Logged on Fork of Bitcoin Called BSV

Child porn has been permanently logged on a code copy of the Bitcoin blockchain called “Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision” (BSV), The Next Web reports.

BSV was created last year in yet another contentious “forking” of Bitcoin after the team behind Bitcoin Cash broke up and Craig Wright defected to create BSV.

Wright is often referred to derisively as “Faketoshi” for implausibly claiming to be the inventor of Bitcoin, the elusive “Satoshi Nakamoto.”

According to The Next Web, a modification applied to the Bitcoin Cash code by BSV has allowed the amount of transaction data appended to the BSV blockchain to be boosted 450X (to 100 KB).

This means images, video and audio data can now be included in a transaction, and someone has now used this feature to append images of child suffering.

The culprit appears to have used “MoneyButton,” a BSV network-dedicated application, to append the data.

According to a BSV spokesperson:

“[The website] contacted us suspecting that Money Button may have been used to write the data, since Money Button is a very convenient/easy tool to write data to the [BSV] blockchain…Sure enough – we checked our database and this criminal did in fact use Money Button.”

Child exploitation imagery has also been posted on the regular Bitcoin blockchain, and “#MeToo” activists in 2018 used Ethereum to permanently logged documentation of their struggle to hold the administration at Peking University accountable for a historic sexual assault by a former professor of a student, an assault that seems to have led to the young victim’s suicide.

Because of the way public blockchain projects are processed (via layered encryption), data appended to transactions cannot be removed unless “the chain is rolled back.”

But “rolling back” a blockchain more or less proves that it is not truly public/distributed, but is rather controlled by relatively few individuals.

For this reason, most new blockchain creators generally try to avoid roll backs, whether they could execute one or not.

Ethereum was rolled back in 2016 in order to render ETH stolen in the DAO hack unusable.

That decision compromised Ethereum’s reputation as a genuinely public alternative to Bitcoin.

The spokesperson for BSV has said that BSV block explorers (essentially windows that allow inspection of transaction data on the chain) are now somehow preventing the general public from being able to inspect of the sections of the BSV chain hosting the child abuse imagery:

“It is not possible to delete things from the blockchain.(However) Block explorers have stopped showing the data in those transactions.”

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