Draper Goren Holm, a Los Angeles based venture firm led by Tim Draper, Alon Goren, and Josef Holm, announced on Thursday it is offering an incentive to those who are looking to learn more about Blockchain during the Los Angeles Blockchain Summit, which will take place at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
On October 6th and 7th, Draper Goren Holm will be giving away $100 worth of Bitcoin to each of the thousands of general admission ticket holders at this year’s 7th Annual Los Angeles Blockchain Summit to incentivize the general public to get educated about the transformative digital currency. In a joint statement, Draper, Goren, and Holm, stated:
“It is undeniable that Bitcoin is positively transforming the world. The best way to learn about it is to use it, and so we wanted to give thousands of people their first $100 worth. It is so exciting to be responsible for the biggest Bitcoin giveaway in history and be at this historic event as there has never been this many ‘HODLers’ in a single place.”
The venture firm then added that LA Blockchain Summit will cover a range of topics, which includes institutional focused investing, digital securities, and a beginners workshop around successfully setting up and using crypto apps and wallets for trading, spending and transacting with the $100 in Bitcoin each attendee will be given.