U.S. Family Money App Goalsetter Launches Teen & Tween Debit Card

Goalsetter, a U.S.-based family money app, announced on Monday it recently launched a debit card specifically geared towards teens and tweens. Founded in 2015, Goalsetter describes itself as a goal-based savings and gifting platform that was created just for kids. The company revealed it combines the “best” of goal-based savings platforms and targets the millennial mom with a platform that enables families to contribute to kids’ future goals instead of buying them more consumer goods.

Goalsetter becomes the first savings vehicle for kids, turning first-time savers into all-the-time savers and giving kids healthy financial habits that will last a lifetime.”

Goalsetter also revealed that with the debit cards for teens and culturally relevant financial content for K-12, it is seeking to enable a generational shift in all Black and LatinX kids – from cradle to graduation and beyond – towards saving and wealth creation.

Goalsetter went on to add that it continues its mission to put one million kids and teens on the path to financial freedom with the best app, savings account, and debit card for kids and teens in the market.

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