France: Fintech Keewe, a Carbon Credit Platform, Raises €1.25 Million

Keewe, a French Fintech in the eco sector, has raised €1.25 million for its mission to support SMEs and carbon reduction. The capital infusion cam from “selected business angels,” including Guillaume Amblard, (also Ledger, Lendable) and former head of trading and quantitative research at BNP Paribas, Jérôme Camblain, Partner at Smart Lenders Asset Management, Yann Samuelides, ex Partner at Goldman Sachs, Alexandre Ichaï (Ava Capital) and the Business Angels of Arts et Métiers (AMBA).

Keewe is a firm that aims to reduce its customers’ carbon footprint by leveraging foreign exchange transactions. Since April 2021, Keewe reports that it has opened accounts for nearly 80 companies and helped offset 4,000 tons of CO2 vis €15 million exchanged.

Keewe was founded by four partners, Jean-Yves Rettel, Adrien Farras, Alexandre Torbay, and Vincent Voisin, who worked previously at BNP Paribas, Western Union, and CapGemini.

 La Fintech qui décarbone votre entreprise

Keewe believes there is strong interest from SMEs for a banking platform that places the ecological transition at the heart of its activity. Keewe is not a bank but appears to have aspirations to gain a banking license.

Keewe’s clients gain access to a “double value proposition:”

1) they simplify and reduce the commissions paid on the management of their foreign currency payments, and

2) they benefit from a cashback in carbon credits for each foreign currency exchange operation, which represents up to 25% of the margin achieved by Keewe.

The €1.25 million is expected to accelerate its commercial deployment and complete its ecological transition product.


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