Microfinance Firm, A Credit, from Kazakhstan Joins the PeerBerry Platform

A microfinance company, A Credit, launched by Aventus Group in the Republic of Kazakhstan in February 2022, joins the PeerBerry platform.

A Credit will “offer PeerBerry investors investments in short-term loans with an 11.5% annual return.” A Credit loans offered to PeerBerry investors “include a buyback and a group guarantee.”

A Credit is an online microcredit company “that issues short-term loans to its clients on transparent and favorable terms, in a convenient digital way, without visiting the office.”

To date, the A Credit portfolio “exceeds EUR 0.5 million.” At A Credit, 15 employees currently work.”

The first loans offered by A Credit “will be uploaded on PeerBerry at the beginning of the following week.” These loans will be “available on the platform every business day.”

The update reminded clients to make sure “to include A Credit in your Auto Invest strategies if these loans meet your investment strategy.”

In another recent update, it was noted that alternative investment platform PeerBerry business partners are repaying EUR 1.8 million of war-affected loans.

In 9 months of the war, under the Group guarantee mechanism, PeerBerry business partners have already repaid “over EUR 27.02 million, or 54% of the total war-affected obligations towards PeerBerry investors.”

As clarified in the update, AutoMoney UA and Slon Credit UA long-term loans “are being repaid under the initial loan schedule.” The last payments of these loans “are being repaid with the accrued interest.”

Also note that “a part of war-affected long-term loans (long, business, real estate, leasing) are repaid in full already.” Information about such loans you can “find in your account in the My investments section / Finished investments.”

PeerBerry reminds clients to “get in touch with [their] Client Support via Live Chat or email if you have questions or need help finding the necessary information in your account.”

You can see “the progress of repayments of war-affected loans (the total repaid amount, the amount of remaining war-affected obligations, and repayments by separate lenders or groups) on [their] ‘Statistics’ page on [their] website.”

As confirmed in the announcement, the information on the Statistics page is “not being updated instantly – it requires up to one day for the data to be updated.”

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