Tokenization Platform Bitbond Adds Fantom Blockchain Support

Bitbond has added support for Fantom Blockchain, according to a statement issued by the company.

Fantom Blockchain is a high-performance distributed ledger technology that aims to provide a superior alternative to established blockchains. Fantom touts its “unparalleled speed, security, and reliability” along with instant transactions and low fees. In June 2018, Fantom raised $40,000,000. Today, Fantom reports that it is cash flow positive while criticizing platforms that only survive by selling their own token.

Bitbond Token Tool now lets users build ERC20 tokens for NFTs, token offerings, and more. Bitbond notes that users don’t have to write their own smart contracts but can configure everything via the Token Tool user interface.

Bitbond is a company that believes in the “tokenization of everything.” This includes securities like bonds and stocks, as well as fiat currencies, platform-specific currencies, art, valuables, usage rights, certificates, and many other assets.

Token Tool by Bitbond also enables creators to issue tokens on Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, and Binance Smart Chain.

Germany-based Bitbond conducted Europe’s first security token offering that received approval by the German financial regulator BaFin in 2019.

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