LuxSE Named Exchange of the Year as Part of Bond Awards

LuxSE (Luxembourg Stock Exchange) has been recognized as “Exchange of the Year” by Environmental Finance as part of the Bond Awards 2023, an annual event that supports the sustainable bond market.

LuxSE said it received the award for its work in “advancing gender finance and fostering sustainable finance in emerging markets.” This is the sixth time it has received the award.

Julie Becker, CEO of LuxSE.

“Since launching the Luxembourg Green Exchange in 2016, our strategy and work have been dedicated to advancing the sustainable finance agenda. Last year, we focused our efforts on advancing gender finance and gender-lens investing, and on expanding our cooperation with exchanges in emerging markets to facilitate the creation of sustainable finance initiatives in new regions. Having our efforts and contribution recognised by Environmental Finance is extremely rewarding and motivates us further in our mission to help make sustainable finance truly global.”

Last year, LuxSE and UN Women signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to advance financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment. LuxSE has since launched a gender-focused bond flag to all debt securities displayed on LGX.


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