Digital Innovation for America: Campaign Targets Senator Sherrod Brown and Policy on Digital Assets

A digital campaign is ongoing targeting Senator Sherrod Brown, Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, on the issue of digital assets.

On Twitter, the promotion states:

“Ohio, it’s time for Sen. Brown to support digital assets. Digital assets help sustain job growth for the American blockchain industry. Sen. Brown needs to lead by supporting our economy’s future.”

The campaign is paid for by Digital Innovation for America, an entity that says it is committed to supporting “the promise of blockchain technology and digital assets for a more empowered future.”

The group has also taken aim at Gary Gensler, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, who has not been very supportive of digital assets.


It is not immediately clear which group is behind the campaign, but any donations must be filed with the Federal Elections Comission (none so far).

As for Senator Brown, he sits in a powerful position to influence policy on financial services, including blockchain technology, but to date, he has been fairly critical of digital assets, touting the need for greater regulatory scrutiny. While the House, controlled by Republicans, has been more supportive of Fintech in general, Democrats have focused more on investor protection issues and concerns for consumers.



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