Tagged: adrian

BRIEF: Michigan Crowdfunding Bill Signed Into Law

Governor Rick Snyder has signed a Michigan intrastate crowdfunding bill into law according to a news release from his office on Monday. Predictions earlier this year that the bill could become law by the end of the year have come to fruition. Rep. Nancy Jenkins… Read More

Michigan Crowdfunding Bill Awaiting Governor’s Signature, State Reps Plan Outreach Campaign

Some within Michigan political circles were predicting that an intrastate crowdfunding exemption in the state of Michigan could be signed into law by the end of the year. It seems that prediction may come to fruition, as the bill has now been vetted by both… Read More

Rep. Jenkins Hopes Crowdfunding Bill Will Be “A Real Win-Win For Michigan”

Adrian, Michigan is a town of approximately 22,000 people and lies on the Michigan border between Ann Arbor and Toledo, Ohio, in the heart of the rust belt. It’s a far cry from San Francisco, New York or Austin. Amy Cortese (pictured, right) visited the town… Read More

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