Tagged: debt tech

Trustfolio, Equifax to Provide Debt Advisers Instant Access to Bank Transaction Data


Trustfolio Ltd, the ‘debt-tech’ collective behind the Debt Adviser Support Portal and other digital tools for creditors and third parties designed to ‘enable better debt solutions’, has partnered with Equifax (NYSE: EFX) “to launch a new feature powered by Open Banking.” The new Debt Adviser… Read More

Trustfolio Acquires TIPTrust, Asperitas Technologies to Establish “Debt-Tech” Collective

A group of industry professionals from the consumer credit, debt advice, collections, insolvency, and Fintech ecosystems have come together to introduce a so-called “debt-tech” company Trustfolio Ltd, which has reportedly acquired TIPTrust and Asperitas Technologies. Trustfolio’s goal is to support improved debt solutions and advice… Read More

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