Tagged: fusionfabric.cloud

UK-based Fintech Finastra to Allow Customers to Use Conversational AI-based Retail Banking App

London-based Fintech firm Finastra has revealed that its customers will be able to Active.Ai‘s conversational artificial intelligence (AI)-based retail banking app, which was integrated with the FusionFabric.cloud platform. Active.Ai is now accessible via the FusionStore. Finastra is now offering banks and its credit union customers… Read More

Finastra Welcomes New Companies to FusionFabric.cloud Platform; Names Thomas Reuters New Data Provider

Earlier this week, UK-based fintech firm Finastra welcomed new companies Efficiency MC, Conpend, and BankBI to the platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solution FusionFabric.cloud open architecture. The company reported: “FusionFabric.cloud unlocks innovation by fostering open collaboration within an ecosystem of development partners. A major innovation for financial services, it opens up… Read More

Finastra Update: Early Adopters Now Developing & Running Apps on FusionFabric.cloud


Finastra, created by the merging of Misys and D+H, announced on Wednesday early adopters are now developing and running apps on FusionFabric.cloud. The company stated that fintechs, consultants, banks, and academics are now using the open technology platform to create and deploy apps, which may… Read More

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