Mosaic Touts Solar Investing on Earth Day

Mosaic Logo SquareMosaic, the leading solar investment crowdfunding platform, shared some interesting insight in their business this past week.  In an Earth Day missive, Mosaic co-founder and CEO Billy Parish, commented on the progress they have made in the advocacy and advancement of renewable energy;

Between October 2013 and March 2014, 80% of the new electricity installed in the United States was renewable energy. In California, where I live, we installed more solar in 2013 than in the previous 30 years combined.

For three of the last six months, 100% of all of the new electricity added to the US grid was renewable energy. That’s 80% renewables in total — and over half of that was solar. Natural gas made up the remainder, and conventional oil was a mere .02%. This is what the future of energy looks like.

Bllly Parish MosaicParish continues to emphasize that backers are investing in solar energy;

My company, Mosaic, is allowing more people to invest in solar. We believe that the fastest way to build a world powered by 100% clean energy is to give everyone the opportunity to profit from it. Our investors help to accelerate the transition to clean energy by providing affordable financing for solar projects. In turn, our investors receive good returns, grounded in tangible assets in communities all across the country. Thousands of Americans have already invested millions of dollars into solar projects on Mosaic’s platform and have received 100% on-time monthly payments at ~5-7% annual yields to date.

Mosaic has facilitated nearly $6 million in renewable energy projects in multiple states to date.  Mosaic has always been highly selective of their projects and continues to advocate their theme that “you shouldn’t have to choose between making money and making a difference”.


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