RocketHub’s Crowdfunding Whitepaper may prove a little tedious for the typical entrepreneur, but if you’re looking for a deep understanding of crowdfunding’s status in the US it is required reading. COO Jed Cohen and CFO Alon Hillel-Tuch were armed with their enthusiasm and this document at the recent SEC Forum on Small Business Capital Formation. I’m kicking myself a bit for waiting this long to read it. This document really helps to put some of crowdfunding’s varied interests and constituencies in perspective.
RocketHub is an international, pioneering, open community that has helped thousands of artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, and social leaders raise millions of dollars. Part of RocketHub’s mission is to educate the public on the power of the crowdfunding model. As a result, the founders have lectured on crowdfunding at SXSW, TEDx, Maker Faire, NXNEi, Harvard, Columbia, etc., and have even testified in the U.S. Congress on the power of online fundraising.