UPDATED: Double Fine Productions Returns To Kickstarter To Fund “MASSIVE CHALICE”

UPDATE: Double Fine Productions does it again. MASSIVE CHALICE has surpassed it’s goal and is on the way to the million dollar mark. Double Fine Productions can now boast being one of the few people or companies to have two successful six-figure crowdfunding campaigns under their belts.

If I had to guess, I’d say that Double Fine Productions didn’t expect their first Kickstarter campaign for Double Fine Adventure (later renamed Broken Age) to raise over $3.3 million, one of the top 10 Kickstarter campaigns ever. Now the team has returned to Kickstarter to crowdfund their second project, a turn-based game called MASSIVE CHALICE.

Sensing that there could be concerns regarding the timeline for Broken Age, Double Fine Productions clarifies in their new campaign that they employ a large team working on many games at once. Broken Age is late to ship, but the team has been proactive and transparent in keeping their backers up to date regarding that game’s progress. Now another team has started working on what is to be MASSIVE CHALICE.

The gameplay itself sounds pretty slick and is professed to be a mashup of turn-based tactics and multi-generational strategy…

The game is structured into two main layers: strategy and tactics. In the strategy layer, you oversee your kingdom, arrange royal marriages, conduct research, and make the far-reaching decisions that will determine the fate of your legacy. In the tactics layer, you fight brutal turn-based battles to defend your kingdom using small squads of customizable heroes.

The game is already well on its way to being funded and seems destined for success. No stretch goals have been announced yet but expect them soon.

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