Kickstarter 2013: A Year in Review

The Year in Kickstarter 2013In similar fashion to the year prior, Kickstarter has put together a super cool synopsis of 2013.  Last year’s was pretty tough to beat, especially with the Griz Coat and all, but I have to hand it to the Kickstarter team as once again they have put together a great list of cool projects highlighting an amazing year.
As part of their presentation they have shared some interesting data points:
  • 3 million people pledged $480 million for 2013
  • An astounding $1.3 million pledged per day
  • $913 pledged every minute
  • Backers came from all continents and 214 countries (and yes, Antarctica was represented)
  • Over 800,000 people backed more than once
  • 19,911 projects were successfully funded
  • Pebble was funded
  • Inocente won an Oscar
  • And we are all incredibly excited to see Veronica Mars on the big screen…
Delorean HovercraftThere is lots more.  So head over to Kickstarter and see it all for yourself.  You will not be disappointed.  Promise.
Below is the list of 2013 crowdfunding campaigns featured from Kickstarter.

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