Fresh2O Seeks To Raise £50K via CrowdMission

Fresh20Hoping to raise capital through equity crowdfunding, Fresh2O is seeking  £50,000 for its clean water campaign.  Founded by Oscar award-winning photographer Candice Farmer, the company sells and distributes a range of water filters with an aim to “reduce poverty, improved health and prevent death by enabling the provision of clean water for drinking and sanitation purposes globally.”

Fresh2O is raising money through CrowdMission to bring clean water to various regions including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Uganda and Madagascar. It is also working with the Karen DarbyHuman Appeal charity to develop clean water initatives on the border between Syria and Jordan.

According to CrowdMission’s founder Karen Darby,

“CrowdMission is about attracting social entrepreneurs who want to make money and make a real difference to our world. We are the natural crowdfunding platform for companies in the biotech and cleantech space looking for funding in return for equity.”

Miss Farmer noted that CrowdMission was a natural fit for Fresh2O and stated, “This was an obvious choice for us to raise money. We must get our filters to the places where they are most needed as fast as possible.”Keira Knightley

Not only is Fresh2O attracting some environmental friendly investors, British actress Keira Knightly is one of the many celebrities helping to raise awareness of the lack of clean water and Fresh 2O’s campaign. She featured in a series of posters, photographed underwear by Candice, which will be sold to raise money for life saving water projects.






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