Bragi Dash On Track to Ship in December, Founder Nikolaj Hviid Talks Crowdfunding in Interview (Video)

The Dash in HandThe Dash by Germany based Bragi is one of the all time favorite crowdfunding hits on Kickstarter.  Coming in the 12th position for most funded, the Dash raised over $3.3 million from 16,000 backers for a super cool new concept on bluetooth, biometric headphones.  A working prototype did not exist at the time but the resumé of the founder comforted backers as they lined up to receive  these tiny computers that are expected to fit in the wearer’s ears.

This past August, Bragi announced a delay in reward deliveries.  A commonplace occurrence for rewards based campaigns.  Supporters took the delay in stride as the communication between the company and backers remains very robust.  In a recent comment, Bragi stated they are still on track to deliver the first 1000 devices in December and expect to ramp up production by January.  On September 5th the Dash development team finally received important parts to create their first “real sized Dash” to test.

Bragi Dash First Working PrototypeA backer update that was posted earlier today shared the progress on the working prototype:

We have succeeded building what essentially is an incredible tiny computer inside a wireless headphone with a huge amount of sensors along with an operating system. Without compromising functionality. I bow in respect to my team!

A huge amount of work still needs to be done. We need to improve radio performance, stability of the system and calibrate our sensor algorithms in the next few weeks.

We are absolutely relieved to have mastered one (and the most important) of a few monumental development gates in this project.

From the very happy BRAGI Team and Nikolaj

Bragi_Dash_plus_AppBragi has stated they have received much investor interest but they are determined to stay the course as  “We [Bragi] kept having discussions with investors, but realized that we had to move along until we could show all functions and use cases on a miniaturized “The Dash”.”

It was interesting that earlier this year a “prankster” said Apple was releasing a product strikingly similar to the Dash.  The “biometric EarPod” was later admitted to be a joke by an “accidental troll”.  Well if Bragi keeps things on track – it appears they may be able to deliver something even better than the imagined device.

Nikolaj HviidThe Dash is the vision of Nikolaj Hviid, conceptualized after having been CEO of a design agency and Head of Design at Harman – the well known audio company. He originally struggled to find investors to develop his futuristic product.  Finally he turned to Kickstarter and was able to raise the funds that have allowed him to hire his team and build the first prototype.

German news site Deutsche Welle recently interviewed Nikolaj and talked about development of the Dash and crowdfunding. The video below is definitely worth a watch.



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