Kickstarter’s FlyFit Made Asian Debut at 2015 COMPUTEX Taipei

FlyFit, Inc., a provider of wearable technology, was invited to join The 2015 COMPUTEX Taiwan Cloud EXPO as a valued alliance partner of Acer BYOC (Build Your Own Cloud) ecosystem. This news comes nearly a year and half after the startup raised $123,817 during its Kickstarter campaign and at the event, it introduced its self-titled ankle tracker which precisely tracks fitness, cycling, swimming and sleep patterns.

Flyfit 1The FlyFit smart fitness tracker is designed for people who value form and function in their sports gear. FlyFit solves the problem with other trackers on the market — wrist bands track activity through vibration but cyclists don’t generate vibration since they hold onto their handlebars tightly, resulting in incorrect data. The FlyFit ankle tracker analyzes and tracks leg movements, which generates correct data including speed, duration time, distance, calories burnt, pedal frequency and more.

Unlike competitors, FlyFit provides wireless synching to the user’s smartphone with Bluetooth technology providing real-time data. Another competitive advantage is a water-resistant connector that allows it to be used for swimming or cycling in the pouring rain. And through cooperating with Acer BYOC (Build Your Own Cloud), users can easily transmit, reserve, manage, access, and analyze their personal data through assigned personal private cloud storage anytime, anywhere.

The LED panel on the tracker has four symbols to represent each of the main tracking functions:

  • Daily Activity: walking, running, cycling and other types of fitness
  • Sleep: number of hours and quality
  • Swim: leg strokes

Flyfit 2The concept for FlyFit emerged from the needs of the co-founders who wanted to find a well-rounded and accurate fitness tracker that also looked awesome. During vigorous workouts, they wanted a small device that they could forget they were wearing and not struggle to get it off. They tested similar products on the market and after not finding anything that matched what they were looking for, they decided to develop their own tracker which could accurately track your exercising performances with an ultra-lightweight comfortable band made from thermoplastic polyurethane.

Jimmy Leu, CEO and co-founder of Flyfit, revealed:

Jimmy Leu“We are thrilled with our product. The technology is extremely easy to use with just a few taps of the finger and provides real-time data that we can actually utilize during our workouts and throughout the day. We successfully funded on Kickstarter last year and have been shipping our products since last December to more than forty countries. We are looking forward to delivering this amazing product to everyone in the world.”


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