Chicago’s Startup Snooz Launches Kickstarter to Help Turn Any Bedroom Into a Sleep Haven


Earlier this week, Chicago-based startup SNOOZ took to crowdfunding platform Kickstarter with a mission to raise $100,000 for its self-titled “ultra-portable” sound conditioner.

SNOOZ 1SNOOZ is described as an 2.5″ tall acoustic white noise machine that helps user fall asleep and stay asleep. According to the company, using a proprietary fan in an acoustically optimized enclosure, and the device produces peaceful white noise to help the world fade away so everyone can sleep without any interruptions.

How SNOOZ works is simple: It has a real fan built inside of it. The company revealed:

“Designed with airflow simulations run on supercomputers, SNOOZ uses a proprietary fan to generate live, natural white noise that is adjustable and doesn’t disturb the surrounding air. No looping tracks or low-quality speakers. Just the soothing sound of moving air.”


It was also noted that SNOOZ produces sound that ranges from the lightest stir to break up the stillness to the all-out roar of a renegade box fan. Tone is adjusted with an easy twist of the outer shell. Rotate from a light fan sound (think table fan) to a deep fan drone (think airplane cabin) and everything in-between.

SNOOZ 2For the best results, SNOOZ works best when placed away from any bed so it can fill the room with sound.Users may control the device through its app, which turns up the volume or set an automatic shutoff.  SNOOZ can also go anywhere with the user without any struggles. The device is small enough to fit into any backpack and carry-on. It is equipped with a wrap-to-store the power cord.

Backers of the Kickstarter will be able to receive SNOOZ starting at $58. Its estimated delivery date is currently March 2016.

Since its launch, the project has successfully secured nearly $61,000. It is set to close on October 21st.


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