Crowdfunder UK Continues “How to Crowdfund” Series With Step 3: Identifying Your Crowd


On Monday, Crowdfunder UK unveiled its newest tip from the How to Crowdfund series, “Identifying Your Crowd.”

CrowdfunderThe website’s team shared:

“Because you are pitching to your ‘crowd’, it is important to identify who your crowd is and how you are going to execute your project to them and turn them into backers.  Just as important, is how are they going to find you, and why would they want to interact with you?”

Here are the steps to finding your target audience:

  • First Tier: Friends and family, they can help create the first buzz around your project. If you are unable to get your friends excited about your project pre-launch, then that is a pretty good indicator that you will struggle to engage a wider community of backers.
  • Second Tier: Friends of friends
  • Third Tier: The general public and any media coverage

Crowdfunder UK also noted that campaign organizers should create a spreadsheet & build a profile for each distinct type of person they plan to target, as well as what their product offers the audience and where the audience can find them. This will influence how they position themselves and their product when they present it to their ‘target audience.’ Include the following information:

  • CrowdfunderUKWhat are they motivated by & what matters to them?
  • What are their needs?
  • What or who are they influenced by?
  • What does my product offer them?
  • Where do they spend their time online?
  • Do they read blogs, & which ones?
  • What social media, websites and online communities do they visit?
  • Do they subscribe to email lists, & which ones?
  • What search terms do they use?
  • Do they use Infographics? Videos? Podcasts?

The crowdfunding platform added that organizers should create another spreadsheet of who they’re pitching to and what motivates them, and include several potential pitch angles.

Here’s how the audience and interact with the campaign’s organizers:

  • Start blogging: Blogs are a great way to provide useful, relevant content that appeals to your target audience. Write blogs that appeal to their motivations, problems and needs.
  • Organise an event: Have a BBQ, party or opening gathering.
  • Products: Promote limited edition products that will get people talking (a great example of this: Mini for Heroes – Corgi Replica. People were still talking and asking for this product long after the project finished).
  • Provide experiences – People often like to be the first to do something, so they discuss it with their friends. (another great example: 2-hour surf including 1-hour coaching. You can ride The Wave before it is open to the public).


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