Report: Crowdfunding Doubled in the Netherlands to € 128 Million in 2015

Netherlands Growth of CrowdfundingA new report by consultancy firm Douw & Koren (D&K) states that crowdfunding has experienced a rise of over 200% in the Netherlands during 2015.  The authors state that during the last year € 128 was raised in comparison to € 63 million in 2014.  More than 3500 projects were funded during 2015 with entrepreneurs raising € 90,000 on average. Debt based crowdfunding is the single largest category at over € 92 million during 2015. The largest campaign was for Ziekenhuis Zeeland (via ZIB Crowd). The hospital raised over € 10.6 million.  The same report also covered creative and community projects but the amount raised tended to be far smaller. D&K also believes that 2016 represents a “moment of truth” for the new form of finance.Simon Douw

“The core of crowdfunding is participation: people who believe in a good plan and the project creator and want to invest in them. Crowdfunding points the way to a fair economy. An economy in which everyone – regardless of the size of his wallet – can invest and immediately see what their money accomplishes,” explained Simon Douw.

Douw continued to explain that crowdfunding is going into a new phase and a number of hurdles must be overcome to continue growth within the sector. The D&K report identifies four areas where opportunity remains:

  • Entrepreneurs still under-utilize crowdfunding even though awareness is high
  • There is a demand for transparency. In the UK most platforms display their results. This is not the case in the Netherlands.
  • SME financing is in need of a boost. There is an opportunity to combine bank finance with alternative finance.
  • Over-regulation is a concern. D&K believes that transparency trumps excessive regulation.  Platforms that share data will be a greater contributor to investor safetey.

The report is available for download on the D&K site (registration required).

Infographich D&K Netherlands

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