Q4 European Venture Capital Rises to €1.33 Billion

Venture CapitalAccording to Dow Jones’ Venture Capital Report, European VC fundraising jumped 58% to €1.33 in Q4 2015 in comparison to Q3 when reviewing the number of fund closings and capital raised. When comparing to Q4 of 2014, venture capital increased only 6% as the number of fund closings dropped by 30%.

In total, European companies raised €3.3 billion  for 426 different deals in Q4 of 2015. There were 411 VC deals in Q4 of 2014. The median sized deal was €2.2 million.

Information Technology captured the most money during Q4 raising €840 for 107 deals. Consumer services came in second place with €802 million for 110 deals.

The single largest deal recorded by Dow Jones was 038 Networks which raised €427.83 million. The largest Fintech raise was for German peer-to-peer lender Auxmoney that raised €150 million in Q4.

Once again, the United Kingdom was the hotspot for venture funding. The UK hoovered up 43% of all venture capital clocking €1.403 billion for 111 deals. Germany came in a distant second place with €685 million for 78 deals or 21% share of the new capital.  France and Switzerland rounded things out at 3rd and 4th place.

Regarding exits, the ultimate measure, there were 38 M&A’s and 13 venture-backed IPOs.

You can review the entire report from Dow Jones Venture Source below.

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