Kickstarter Alum Gramovox Announces Floating Record EU & International Shipment Details

Floating Record 1

Last week, Chicago-based startup Gramovox announced shipment details for its Kickstarter project, Floating Record.

Floating Record 4Floating Record is described as a high-performance turntable that plays records vertically through built-in, dynamic, full-range stereo speakers (or through an RCA line out). Each Floating Record sits on a wood base and a belt connects from a small wheel to a platter, causing it to spin and create a great sound without any issues. The project successfully secured $1,575,976 from 4,218 Kickstarter backers.

Gramovox created the Floating Record after the launch of its other Kickstarter project, Bluetooth Gramophone. The other device secured $241,00 on the platform in later 2013 but has been struggling with late delivering to backers. CEO Pavan Bapu stated that he hopes to avoid any of those type of problems with the Floating Record.

In a recent update, the Gramovox team revealed:

Floating Record 3“EU Backer Rewards have been built and are about to be on their way. However, due to the schedule for our Europe-bound vessel, these Floating Records will be reaching Europe later than we expected. Unfortunately, this schedule is entirely out of our control. We estimate that your Backer Rewards will now be reaching your homes between May 2 and May 13.”

They went on to add:

Floating Record 5“We are very sorry about this additional wait time. As a reminder, you will not be responsible for duties and taxes as Gramovox will be covering these costs. In the meantime, we will be building and shipping Floating Records for the remaining non-EU international Backers, including Canada. We are still on track to have these shipped by April 6.”



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