Co-Creator “Exploding Kittens” Elan Lee Starts New Project: Backs Kickstarter Initiatives & Reviews Them

Elan Lee

Elan Lee, co-creator of the highly addicting card game Exploding Kittens and former chief design officer of Xbox, announced this week that he is currently working on a new kind of crowdfunding project. He decided to start backing various projects just to write about what they do, what kind of superpowers he wants from them, and how happy did the backing make him.

Lee kicked off the new project on Thursday by backing the project, Toasteroid: APP Controlled Smart Image Toaster, which allows the user to personalize their toasted bread. He tweeted out his thoughts on the project. 

On Friday, Lee unveiled the next campaign he backed,  Slow Dance: A Frame that Slows Down Time. The project is described as a picture frame that makes real objects appear to move in slow motion. He tweeted out his thoughts about the project. 

Offering support for Lee, another co-creator of Exploding Kittens and The Oatmeal comics creator, Matthew Inman, tweeted:

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